Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Story #3

3DSfan12345 said that they found that every link led to http://scratch.mit.edu/friday.html! "It must be some kind of joke!" they said. But one of them emailed the Scratch team again and it was no joke! "Guinea_Pig_Kaj must've hacked the system!" the Search for GPG team said. "But no one can hack into Scratch! The Scratch Team has said so!" But, it must be true. So, the Search for GPG team decided to do something about it! One or two of them knew HTML, and one knew Javascript, so they set to work on making a new Scratch website! It was hard, and you couldn't upload projects, but when it was done, it was a good place for Scratchers to communicate. Soon, the hacker heard about the new website, and they...

What did they do? You Decide Next!


  1. Where did you go? You aren't active on scratch, or your blog!

  2. They decided to go into hiding for a while. Until the new Scratch page felt safe again. So they could try and hack the new website.
